Tuesday, June 8

Free Gaza. Against Israeli Brutality

Supp homies...
its been a while since i wrote the last post...
its not because i was busy with life...
working like hell... helping children in africa... working part time at mcd or anything...
it was just simply.. malass..
i dont know for what reason or course... i just not feeling like typing...
hmm... but no worries... I'm backk~
ooOooOoOooo yeeeeeeeeaaahh~ :)

hmm... lots of things had happened recently...
pening wooo kalau nak cite one by one...
but one of important ones...

"Freedom Flotilla Activist been stormed by Israeli commandos'
-9 activists were killed. -Al-Fatihah
-Civilians on ship includes elderly, children and woman.
-They had been attacked on International Waters.
-There were 12 Malaysian citizens on board.. they had safely arrived back at Malaysia
-Israel's action got criticized all arround the world except american... memang la.. diorang kan sekutu zionist.

Kurang ajar betol Israel.... on my opinion... Israel had taken such action... because they know... theres no one can stop them from not doing it. dasar zionist... standard la...
I was really shocked when i heard the story at first... civilian who were not even Palestinian citizen were harmed and killed on the event.They carrying humanitarian aids for god sake..
when all this innocent human killing gonna stop?! how all of it gonna end?
for me.. what they should do against this Israeli action.. is to never to give up...
and keep on trying to sent those humanitarian aids to help our brothers and sisters at gaza... no matter how...ok...
and... Malaysian!!
keep in mind...Syukur for what we have... and help others who are not so in luck... ok..
till then...
peace out homies.
FreeGaza. Against Israeli Brutality.