Monday, May 3

At Last! A Blog!

wow... its now 6.49 am in the morning...
tibe2 tngah bosan tahap rase nak kluar pegi curik moto...
ntah camane.. Ive created a blog!
after signing up and stuffs...
tibe2 aku sampai this part...
create a post...
perghh... tibe2 nak menaip utk blog baru plak...
all sudden lots of things came into my mind...
now what i gonna wrote?
whats the function of this blog actually?
do i write in this blog daily? do i have time for all this?
ade ke orang nak bace blog aku neh?
bole idop ke blog neh?
x macam pondan ke buat blog neh?
orang tak rase aku poyo ke buat blog?
agaknye esok tenghari aku nak makan ape ha?
knape banyak sangat soalan aku tanye neh?

then after some self thinking and a couple of shots...
ive made up my mind...
"pegi la mampos... try je la.. nothing to lose right?"
so ive decided... im trying to start a blog!
so homies....

welcome to my blog!!..
the blog of the feebler thinker...

cheh... name nak gempak je... padahal main bantai je tadi...
hahaha... tapi seriously...
'feebler thinker' have its own meaning...
figure it out for yourself ok...
ok la... before i mengarut alot more....
till then...


  1. dude,i suke gler ur thinking..huh?byk gler soalan dlm ur mind?make up ur mind!hahaha

    kelakar!no worries i bet u one day blog u mest ramai follower.heheh termasuk i la kan.

  2. heyya~
    welcome to the blogger's world...
    jgn rasa awak akn jadi pondan klau ada blog sendiri...
    plus,i'll add u into IPTA Blogger's group on FB...
    hopefully, u will never get mad...
    sbb sy nk share dunia blog nie ngn awak...
    anyway,visit n follow my blog,okayh? :)
